Why do we care about the hips?

Hello fellow Athletes!

I wanted to give you a more personal email here to talk about the new program I have released aimed at improving hip mobility in the saddle.

First though, I want to backtrack… I now have two of these really great 4 week programs. The first is the Half Halt program, followed by this one. When I first came up with the structure of these programs, I thought to myself that I would create them in 30 days so you guys never have to go without a program. Well, I vastly overestimated how long it would take me to build these!

Like you, I am a bit of a perfectionist. So I had to adjust my goals to be able to deliver these programs to you all. I absolutely love what I have created and the feedback from the first program has been all positive and constructive. Yes, I did spend some of that time making updates to the half halt program too! So if you missed it the first time around, seriously check it out too!

What I am trying to say is that if you are falling short of your goals now, or any time, remember that we all go through it. What is important here (for me at least) that the product is something I am proud of, I have enjoyed the process, and I am left wanting to do more of it! Oh and yeah, I have time to ride my horses still! So pick one or two things that are important to you to call it a win. Maybe let a deadline slide, or be ok with it not being perfect. Pick what is important to you and celebrate that success!

I also wanted to say, I have a whole bunch more topics I want to cover in these 4 week programs… to be released NOT every 4 weeks lol!

I can’t wait to produce and share the ones I have coming up. I have so many ideas (and if you have special requests, let me know and I will add it to my big beautiful list of exciting ideas).

So before I lose your interest, I did want to tell you a bit about why I picked the hips as my focus for my second 4 week program release.

I picked the hips, because they are our direction connection with our horses. I have always been amazed and inspired when I see paralympic riders who are amputees, and how beautifully they can communicate with their horses. Why? Because the root of their communication is not in their hands or legs, but in how their seat connects to their partner.

However, many of us have day jobs that cause these to become tight and weak. We lose connection with our own bodies… so how can we begin to connect with our horse?

I have been in and out of it myself too. Sometimes I have those ah-ha moments in the saddle or in the gym, and other times I struggle with my body and have to remind myself to take my own advice or go back to the drawing board and look at myself objectively and try again from where I currently stand. Can I just say HOW HARD that part is?

I could write 100 programs for various riding issues that I commonly hear about, but going back to the simple action of focusing on hip flexibility and strength could likely solve all of them.

That is why I want to give you a hip program!

That is why I believe I can help you!

That is why I hope you take me up on my new release offer!

I am going to leave the info about the program below, in the meantime, happy riding everyone!


 Enroll Now! 

Bronze Level: For the unbeatable price of $25 CAD (after applying the special discount with the coupon code HIPSDONTLIE), the Bronze Level offers a four-week program that includes access to our user-friendly app, a full calendar outlining your personalized workout schedule, and a digital download of the program for you to keep! Plus, you'll have the convenience of full text message access to Coach Sarah herself, who will guide and support you throughout your journey.

Silver Level: If you're looking for extra support and guidance, the Silver Level is perfect for you. In addition to all the benefits of the Bronze Level, you'll receive a 30-minute coaching call to kickstart your program. This option is particularly beneficial for those who are new to working out, returning from an injury, or have specific goals in mind. As a Silver Level participant, you'll also gain access to our On-Demand library for the entire four weeks, allowing you to explore different stretch and bonus routines to keep your workouts exciting. Get $40 off this package with the coupon code HIPSDONTLIE

Gold Level: For the ultimate accountability and outstanding results, our Gold Level is your best choice. Along with everything included in the Silver Level, you'll receive an additional four coaching sessions, making a total of five sessions. These personalized coaching sessions with Coach Sarah will provide you with invaluable guidance and motivation to help you achieve your goals effectively. Get $40 off this package with the coupon code HIPSDONTLIE


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