Can I help you lose weight?
Hey Athletes!
Last week I posted a thought on my Instagram and Facebook that really seemed to hit deep with a lot of people, and I think really encapsulates how I feel. I wanted to share it here in case you missed it.
“Question I get a lot... can you help me lose weight?
Below is an excerpt of response I recently wrote up to this question:
"Unfortunately I do not do weight loss training as I believe that every body should find joy in movement regardless of size and shape. I focus on exercises that will improve riding performance, encourage curiosity in activity and help counteract the stresses and imbalances of our daily routines so we can come to the saddle with balance and energy. Sometimes weight loss comes as a result of the higher activity levels and improved body composition, but I definitely don't make promises of these types of numbers as I don't find them to be as motivating as pure joy in movement."
Spoiler alert, it did not earn me a client. That is ok - everyone is on a different chapter in their story. Can I tell you a bit about my story as it relates to this topic?
There was a point in time where weight loss would be something that interested me. A point where I believed that weight and fitness were more related than they actually are. A point where I thought being better for my horse meant being a lower weight for them to carry.
I am not there anymore. And it doesn't feel like I "overcame" these thoughts so much as I gave them up. They were exhausting, demotivating, and unnecessarily punishing. Why should I continue these beliefs when they don't serve me?
We are bombarded with images and words that tell us that we need to be less to be more. Its impossible to avoid these messages, and even though I have worked hard to be body positive, occasionally some less positive thoughts creep in... but I am getting better at squashing them.
What has really helped me though and I hope can help you, is to focus on what excites me rather than avoiding punishment (and realizing that the punishment is totally self inflicted!).
Weight loss just doesn't excite me. What does excite me? Hitting a personal best in a workout, having a good ride, completing crazy long horse races, spending time meeting new people in different cultures, exploring new places, trying new sports, finding community of true peers.
So what excites you?”