Wow, I am two weeks away!
Hey Athletes!
Wow, in only 2 weeks I am getting on a plane and headed south to Brazil for the Marcha di Resistencia. I have been waiting for this date since late 2019 so it hardly feels real.
Pictured above is Almirante with his owner Adriana. He will be my mount for this adventure. He is a Criollo gelding and was actually the winner of the Gelding division last year.
Let me tell you a little bit more about the race in anticipation of your questions. Here are a few quick facts in no particular order:
The race lasts 15 days and 750 km on one horse
The first 12 days are controlled speeds (meaning you have to go between a minimum and maximum speed similar to our set speeds or CTRs here)
The final 3 days are open speeds, so only horses who hold up to the first 12 days of riding will be allowed to “race” but like with any endurance ride, the rider has to ride smart and with their horse’s welfare as their top priority
The race is being held in Quaraí, RS, Brazil and attracts riders from Brazil and Uruguay (my friend Krystal rode for a couple of days but I will be the first official international competitor and carry the Canadian flag)
There are 35 entrants in this year’s race
Some days we ride once, some days we ride twice. Individual legs are anywhere from 15km to 60km
I will absolutely have time to tour around and we will be doing some day-tripping to Uruguay and Argentina for shopping and sightseeing on the days with less riding
I am still figuring out how I am planning on sharing this journey with you all. Might come through this newsletter, or perhaps my personal social media handles so make sure you are following along (just search equestriancyborg on your favourite platform)
Stay tuned!